As any other parent, your objective with your kids is to raise them with the right morals and to smother them with love. But, this can be forgotten or overshadowed when your children begin going through different stages. So, what can you do to dealing with toddler tantrums, the terrible twos and other problems?
Let’s look at a few awesome tips you can learn about dealing with toddlers and tantrums.
Sleep Patterns Matter
Remember when you had to instill a newborn sleeping schedule for yourself? Well, the tables turn when your newborn turns into a toddler. Since your child usually has enough cognition to understand schedule times around the age of two, it’s time for you to start scheduling a time for your toddler to take a nap and to go to bed every day.
Why is this important when you’re dealing with the terrible twos?
Your toddler needs sleep. However, with their ever-growing curiosity, they will be resistant to it unless you enforce a sleeping schedule. As the fight to stay awake continues, your toddler will become more agitated and cranking, leaving you to deal with terrible twos behavior.
Investigate how long it takes for your toddler to get tired. If you time a nap time around the time they begin to become fussy, you’ll save yourself from toddler screaming tantrums every day. You will also have to monitor the length of time you let them sleep during the nap.
Allowing them to sleep too long may interfere with their nighttime sleeping schedule. However, if you don’t allow them to sleep long enough, you may be dealing with a fussy toddler for the rest of the night.
It may take a few tries to fully understand what sleeping schedule works best for your child. But, once you get it, it will save you a tremendous amount of time away from the terrible twos and more time with a loving child.
Eating Times Are Vital as Well
Dealing with a picky eater toddler is no fun. But, knowing how to make meal times fun and consistent will make it easier for you and your toddler.
Just like a sleeping schedule, your toddler needs an eating schedule as well. Plan breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks around the same time every day. Over a few weeks, your toddler will adjust to the schedule and they’ll be hungry when it’s time for each meal.
A hungry toddler will be less inclined to be picky about their food choices. At times, you’ll need to improvise certain meals for those picky toddler eaters. However, the eating schedule makes it more possible for you to convince your toddler to try new things.
Try to Remain Calm, Even in the Most Frustrating Situations
Dealing with a toddler in the middle of their terrible twos tantrums can seem impossible. However, don’t forget that you’re the parent and you need to keep yourself composed if you expect your toddler’s attitude to change. It’s important to be stern, but never lose your cool around your toddler. This will only exacerbate the issue at hand, causing your toddlers’ tantrum to only increase.
Remain calm and take deep breaths before dealing with your toddler. They need a firm, yet loving parent who is willing to teach them between right and wrong. Patience is key here.
Never Question Your Parenting Skills
Dealing with the terrible twos is common. Even after the age of two, children can be a handful as they begin to come into their own identity and learn more about the world. It’s your job as a parent to help navigate them through these challenges in life.
You may run into occasions where you are doubting your own parenting skills. But, you shouldn’t as long as you’re working with your child to help them gain control over their emotions. Everyone deals with these stages, so it’s not a reflection on your parenting skills if your toddler acts out. Just remember to give them a firm hand, but loving parent.