Candles make for great presents for yourself and for your family or friends. Candle shopping can take a long time if you don’t know what you’re looking for or where to look! A lot of big stores, like Target and Walmart, sell candles for an affordable price. However, some people don’t think that buying candles from a big store means that you’ll find quality candles with incredible scents. I’m Whitney Wang I love all scents, especially the scent of vanilla, and I like purchasing candles from a number of stores.
Many people like to use candles while their taking bubble baths, relaxing, or eating dinner and spending time with their significant other. In addition, some people light candles to cover up the horrid smell of their apartment after their roommate cooked dinner and I definitely did this a few times in college. After one of my roommate’s cooked, our apartment also seemed to have a strong aroma that one of my other roommates and I couldn’t stand! I rather smell a nice odor, such as lavender, than what spicy food my roommate had for dinner. I am passionate about candles and providing you with tips on where to find amazing candles that aren’t too expensive. I worked at a store that sold candles, bath products, and fragrances, so I’m passionate about helping find candles that they enjoy. Some people like candles that remind them of memories or people that they knew when they were young, and others just purchase candles based on smells that they like and might remind them of the beach, flowers, or even food (i.e. fruit).
Candles can add personality to your apartment or house. When you walk into a room, you subconsciously are noticing if the room smells terrible, average, or phenomenal. Smells can play a role in determining if and/or how long your friends want, or willing to stay at your place. I was inspired to create this website because I grew up in a family that loves candles, and I love how my apartment smells after I light a candle. Follow my website for updates on candles, fragrances, and other family and home information. My insights will help you find the best candles and help you have the best smelling apartment or house in town, wherever you are living in the United States.