Finding the Best Gifts for New Parents Can be a Fun Prospect


New parents face many challenges: sleep training, nursing, and daycare. And while there are many joys that come with being a first time parent, there are also are many time consuming tasks. Weaving a new life into your home is both and joy and challenge, but it is fortunate that there are many new products that can help make the process more enjoyable. From the latest cribs to the best baby blankets, many parents today have the resources to make certain that they have the best for their newest family members.

If you find yourself looking for the best gifts for new parents, then it is important that you are aware of all of the latest products that are available. Whether it is the best breastfeeding wrap or the best baby blankets that can be purchased to match any nursery, there certainly are many options to choose from.

The Three Best Tips for New Parents

Although there are many items on the market for new parents, it is important to realize that some of the best parenting is not something that can be purchased. The best parenting may feel more snuggly with the latest and best baby blankets, but being present, remaining calm, and limiting screen time are even more important.

Being Present. The latest research indicates that more than 35% of women who have babies in America are over the age of 30. This can mean one of two things. For some, these slightly older mothers are in the middle of important careers and find themselves trying to find a way to parent a new baby and remain successful at their job. For these moms, it is important to find a daycare setting that will provide the best options, and being able to be present when the moms are home from work. In contrast, some of these 35 plus mothers find themselves in a position where they can afford to stay at home with their new child. These mothers give the gift of presence to their child every day.

Remaining Calm. Although there are many worries that come with new parenting, it is essential that moms and dads find a way to stay as calm as possible. Anxiety and stress is easily communicated to new babies and if you are worked up it can be difficult to quiet a crying child. From the level of your voice to the steadiness of your actions, new parents can communicate calmness to their children, especially when they are very young. Interestingly enough, this calmness translates into many times beyond the need to comfort a crying child. As parents, of course, we are often focused on the fact that babies typically start crying between two and three weeks of age. And while tears will not appear until the end of the first month, every parent can is affected by the crying of their own child. Even when parents are working around the home, however, parents can still model calmness and limit the amount of sudden noises that occur in a house.

Screen Time. It will come as no surprise that the latest research indicates that in 46% of two-parent households in the U.S., both parents work full-time jobs. These parents, even when their children are the youngest, can rely on technology too often. Even from the youngest of days, babies in some homes are exposed to televisions that are on all day long instead of the rhythm and cadence of a parent’s voice. As these babies get older, some parents error on the side of offering technology as a babysitter. Instead, parents need to make sure that they are looking for ways to disconnect from technology and instead work on a more personal one to one connection.

Although it will always be true that the best baby blankets will make for a great gift, the reality is that there are many other important good parenting techniques that can provide greater benefits.