In some parts of the country, people have their pools open all year long. It is one of the many benefits to living in California, Florida, Arizona, or many of the southern states. The pool has been an American staple for many parts of the country years. We love to splash around, swim, horseplay, and otherwise completely relax in our pools.
In 2015, there were just under 22 million people who lived in a place that had a pool, and 5.1 million of those pools were inground pools. We love our inground pools, whether they be at summer camp, the hotel where the business conference is taking place, or at our own houses. In each one of those locations, swimming pool maintenance needs to be taken seriously.
For example, a swimming pool at your home should have a pH of between 7.4 to 7.6. These little details might not seem very important when thinking about how much you just want to use your pool to relax and have fun. But, if you do not take care of the minor details, pools can get you very sick and the imbalance of the chemicals can even be deadly.
Whether you have an above ground pool, an inground pool, a saltwater pool, or a wading pool, keeping your pool in tip top shape can sometimes require either a little extra work on your part or hiring of a swimming pool cleaning service. Swimming pool services are an integral part of keeping those millions of pools functioning at proper levels.
The kinds of work that swimming pool cleaning services can do is the kind of work that most everyday pool owners can’t or won’t do. Things like staining that occurs down at the bottom of a pool or when pools get taken over by algae over the winter or due to stagnant water can be taken care of by the professionals who have the proper equipment and trained staff.
Acid wash pool services can remove a thin layer of plaster to reveal a fresh surface which will remove the algae, mineral deposits, the chlorine and can even remove some of the dirt stains that accumulate on the bottom and on the sides of your pool.
Chemical treatment of pools, especially in ground pools is just a basic part of pool maintenance. In general, pool owners, whether they be private or public pool owners, want to find acid wash pool services that can remove unsightly stains on the bottom and sides of their pools.
At the same time, the algae that can build up can become not only unsightly but also very dangerous to the health of those who swim or even wade into the water. More than anything else, it is best to used at least this simple rule: If you can’t see the bottom of your pool, you need to have your pool acid washed. Acid wash pool services can take your dirty, unsafe pool and turn it into the kind of dream pool that all of the neighbors want to come to.
Imagine it is the first day of pool season. Depending on where you live and what the seasons are like in your part of the country, you might open up your pool on Memorial Day weekend. When your family and friends come over, and you’ve fired up the grill and dug out the lawn furniture, your pool will either be one that everyone can feel safe in and enjoy or one that turns people away.
The acid wash pool services that you had done to your pool will have made it safe again after a season or two away. It will look like you completely redid your pool, but it will also be visibly evident that your water is as balanced and safe as it can be.
Heavy swimming and heavy use can have its effect on your pool even during the current pool season. While getting your pool prepared is important, it is equally important for the health and safety of everyone who uses it for you to keep up the regular maintenance that your pool requires.
Enjoy your pool this year and every year!