Sometimes you just need the sea. The soothing waters, the salty breeze, the sand on the soles of your feet. There is just something about the great wide water that casts a spell on anyone who draws too near. But for all of the people in love with the water, there is not a large percentage that actually lives right on the coast, basking in the ability to wake up to the calming lapping of waves. There are ways, however, to bring that feeling of closeness to the sea into any home, regardless of location. All it takes is an eye for design and the right theme, such as nautical home decor.
Bringing the sea to your home
Maybe you prefer to live in the city, or perhaps your job, family, or other responsibilities require you to be in a location other than on the seaside. You can still have that touch of coastal living with the right beach or nautical home decor. It can be as simple as using soft blues, greens, and beige hues for the paint palettes you choose for different rooms, or you can go a step further by bringing in items such as nautical clocks, seashells, and paintings or sculptures of other nautical decorations. Your options are endless. Ships, boats, and anchors, marine life, sunsets over the water, even mermaids and pirate decor could find a place in your recreation of a seaside sanctuary. Beach and nautical home decorations are the perfect way to create the ideal atmosphere you crave, even when you are miles from the nearest coast.
Making your home a place you want to be
It makes sense that the place you rest your head at night is a place that you enjoy being. It is a place that you spend a lot of your time, and it should be the place that you find comfort, solace, enjoyment, and relaxation. About 36% of individuals say that they are at home around five to eight hours at home every day, not including the hours that they are sleeping, of course. Another 26% said that they spend even more time at home, reporting spending as much as nine to 12 hours at their house each day.
And yet there are quite a few people who find coming home to be stressful, for a number of reasons. It could be that the house is in disarray, or that there are so many projects to be done that it is always more overwhelming than relaxing to walk in the door. A too-high percentage of 14% of people reported feeling down simply at the sight of their current home furnishings. A complete remodel can take a lot of work and might be a bigger endeavor than you have time or money for right now, but at least updating a few of the decorations around the house could do wonders for your mood and your peace of mind.
Setting the tone for a happy home
Though it is not possessions or material objects that bring true happiness, investing a bit of your money into setting the right tone for your home could do a lot for the mental and emotional states that you find yourself in most often when you are at home. Many people, 65% of women and 58% of men, have said that when it comes to shopping and spending money, they would prefer to set out on the hunt for decorations for the home rather shopping for say, shoes. There is something to be said for creating the right atmosphere. First and foremost, you should create what feels right for you, with beach and nautical home decor, or whatever fits you best. But once that is accomplished, making guests feel relaxed and at home comes naturally.