The field of medicine is truly vast and diverse, and one particular field of interest is womens health. Often, womens health concerns itself with the unique hormonal makeup of adult women, not to mention their reproductive health in all stages of life. This even includes menopause solutions, such as hormone therapy. A woman may visit her gynecologist to get consultation about hormone replacement, and this can help her navigate the many changes that come with menopause. What is more, many women may visit fertility clinics if they are having trouble conceiving a child, and she may visit with her male partner for testing.
Menopause and the Female Body
There are actually a number of misconceptions about menopause. It may first be noted that menopause itself is really a 24 hour time frame when a woman’s hormones suddenly and markedly change, and all of her life after this time is known as the postmenopausal phase. Statistics show that even today, after live expectancy for women has extended quite a bit, menopause takes place at roughly the same ages as it did in previous centuries. Today, the mean age for menopause is 51 years, although in rare cases women may undergo this change as young as their 30s or as late as their early 60s. For the most part, though, women may expect to undergo menopause between ages 40 to 58.
For about four years leading up to menopause, a woman may also experience perimenopause, a phase where her menstrual cycle becomes irregular and her hormones begin to change. Nine out of ten woman may experience this, and during this time period and the postmenopausal phase, woman may experience symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, trouble with sleep and memory, and more. Their estrogen is decreasing, and that can even affect how their brains are wired. In general, women do not like any aspect of menopause, but the modern field of womens health can help patients find solutions at anti aging clinics across the nation.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
A woman is urged to visit her gynecologist in her mid 40s or so if she is interested in hormone replacement therapy, since this treatment method has no effect if done too late in her life. If her doctor believes that the patient can safely undergo hormone replacement therapy, the doctor may refer that patient to an anti aging clinic. There, a woman may have hormones injected into her body, and this can prevent or reverse many symptoms of menopause at this stage of life. Quite a few surveyed women report satisfaction with the results, though the patient should note that her risks of breast cancer will be much higher, due to her boosted levels of estrogen. So, she is encouraged to visit clinics for regular checkups and screening.
Womens Health and Fertility
A woman who has undergone menopause can no longer get pregnant, but if a younger woman is having trouble conceiving a child, she may want to visit her gynecologist and consult a fertility clinic as well. What might the problem be? Testing at the clinic can help diagnose the problem, which may be due to the woman’s lifestyle or a physical issue. In some cases, the fertilized egg cells implants itself on the fallopian tube’s lining rather than the uterine lining, and the pregnancy is in dire condition if this happens. Meanwhile, a woman may have trouble conceiving if she often uses alcohol, tobacco, or hard drugs, and ongoing, serious stress can also reduce her fertility. Her make partner might also be tested, and his problem may be stress or substance abuse, or previous physical injury or radiation exposure to the testicles. In roughly 33% of fertility issue cases, the woman’s health is the problem, and just as often, the problem is her partner. In the rest of the cases, the cause is not so clear.
A woman may undergo surgery to ensure a successful pregnancy in the future, and she can also take medication or have hormone injections done to boost her fertility. Or, if necessary, in vitro fertilization can be done, and the fertilized egg is placed in the woman’s body. A surrogate mother may be used if the actual mother cannot carry the child for some reason or other.