What constitutes a good education? This is a question that doesn’t have an easy answer.
It’s common to hear high test scores cited as proof of a quality education, particularly if they lead to attending a top college. Others, however, may stress the importance of building good social skills. When you want the most well-rounded result for your children, the top private schools can meet you halfway. The benefits of private school education start with the root knowledge of one-on-one learning environments. Your child will never have to worry about being lost in the shuffle.
From enriching arts camp to improved student teacher involvement, the benefits of top private schools never stop delivering on their promise.
Private schools are where you bring out your child’s true potential. It’s estimated up to 25% of all American schools are designed under the private model, with this number futher supplemented by sheer attendance numbers. Nearly three millions tudents were enrolled in private elementary schools, for example, in 2016. Among the three year-olds to five year-olds in preschool programs, some 50% attended full-day programs. Choosing the right one is all a matter of what you hope to see your child achieve.
Have your child’s test scores been dipping? The top private schools will address these issues head-on with involved teachers and polished programs. A recent study found the national average private school SAT score has hovered at 1235 for several years. This is much higher than the national average for public schools, which is closer to 1060. High test scores aren’t the only important part of education, but they will help your child get into one of the nation’s top colleges.
They may be young now, but all you need to do is blink and they’ll be off to college. Make sure they’re set up for success with the best day schools. Statistics have shown around 95% of non-parochial private high school graduates will go on to a four-year postsecondary institution. Compare this to just 50% of public high school graduates. The advantages of private schools go well beyond the present to secure your child’s future, one test and one thoughtful question at a time.
Read any reviews or anecdotes about your local top private schools and you’ll see nothing but glowing commentary. A recent study saw 20% of public school teachers reporting student apathy to be a major problem at their school, while just 5% of private school teachers claimed the same. Interestingly, counselors at private schools state they spend up to 55% of their time on college-related counseling. The difference comes not just through numbers and scores, but the human element at the core of every institution. Do you think your child would benefit?
It’s time to consider looking up ‘best private preschool near me’. There is nowhere to go but up when you sign up with the top private schools in your area. The best day schools will provide your young one with varied programs to cover all the basics. This will then be passed over to the best middle schools and the best prep schools to get them ready for higher education. By the time they graduate high school they’ll have strong test scores, a well-rounded experience, and a powerful sense of identity to their name.
A good education isn’t one or two things. It’s the entire package in one convenient location. Imagine what a simple switch could do for your children’s future.