Many farmers in Nebraska and the midwest know a secret that “big city folks” have been slow to realize. Their secret to happiness, success and longevity has not come from accumulating artwork, fancy cars and manicured lawns, instead they have been accumulating and caring for land. Their valued family time is far away from traffic jams, polluted skies and long shopping lines. Instead they are grounded in the openness of both land and sky, the quite mess of a long country lane and the beauty of a dazzling sunset. While others have risked their fortunes on the stock market, these land owners from Texas to South Dakota, from California to Kansas have invested their time and their fortunes in land.
While new land owners may have been first attracted to purchasing land when they saw a horse ranch for sale to entertain the grandkids or an interesting cattle ranch for sale when they were out paying high dollar for someone to teach them how to be a recreational wrangler, many in the midwest have always known the values of owning a piece of land.
Those long term landowners reap the benefits of owning land. The average farm size in America is 450 acres, and nearly all, in fact, 97%, of the U.S. farms are family owned. These families work hard for generations, but continue to do so because they realize and treasure the value of open space.
You may not ever be the kind of person who wants to farm the land for a living, but you just might be the kind of person who would give a second look to a luxury ranch for sale in Texas or one of several hunting ranches for sale in Wyoming. While the number of farms for sale may not be locations that are close to your current location, it is likely that especially if you live in a congested city open land and space might be just what you need.
Experts predict by 2050 the world’s growing population will require 70% more food production than today. Land is a good investment. What starts as a slight interest in farms for sale could become your future investment. Someone has to own the land that will have to help produce the expected 70% increase in food production.
A quick scan of the land prices throughout the country will let you know that while ranches for sale in California and farms for sale in South Dakota may vary in price, they are all valuable. Of the 2.2 million farms in the U.S. landowners who are reaping the benefits of paying attention to farms for sale many years ago.