There is no place like home for the holidays. Getting the house in great shape will ensure that home for the holidays means a great time with friends and family in a worry-free environment. You still have plenty of time to get the house together.
Making home for the holidays a great time starts with making sure that the house is up to par. Before you sharpen your craft cocktails skill set be sure that everything is in order in the house.
Gift Yourself Home Repairs

Why not make the holiday season the season of renovations and repairs? Some little changes and some big changes can come together to give you and your family the gift of having a space that you love.
Let’s back it up a bit, before you start doing the “wants” like a hall bathroom renovation that your guests marvel at, how about we make sure that you get all your needs out of the way. Plumbing emergencies can really put a damper on your holly jolly, so consider getting all the necessary plumbing services out of the way first like replacing your water heater that is on its way out.
It can be hard to earmark money this time of year for leaky roof repair or a mice exterminator but if you do all those things first than gifting yourself with that marble countertop does not seem so self-indulgent.
Home for the holidays will take on a whole new meaning once you get your home in great condition. You will have the space that you feel confident in and that friends and family will enjoy being in.
Wait There are a Few More Things to Do

Once you get the repairs out of the way, it is time to get some deep cleaning done. About 47% of couples fight over-cleaning. If you fall into that 47% you should just hire a professional cleaning company.
This is the time of year you really want to get the whole house clean. A mother-in-law cleaning will include carpet cleaning, and other deep cleanings, to ensure when your mother in law arrives for the home at the holiday festivities at your place, everything is sparkling clean.
This may sound drastic but you may want to consider upgrading the look of the bathroom by grouting around the tub and shower. Old cracked grout can make the whole room look less than clean. It will take less than a couple of hours to get it done, and the change can be remarkable. You can, of course, hire someone to do it for you if you are not the do it yourself type.
Change all the linens where your guests will be staying, fluff those pillows, and get out the good china, you are ready to be home for the holidays and let the party get underway. It feels good to be prepared.
Tips for Making Your Home For the Holidays a Shining Example of Holiday Fun

Okay, the house is in great repair, and as clean as a whistle, what’s next? It is holiday prep time. If you live in a residential community you want to be able to outshine your neighbors with your holiday décor.
Of course before you start your decorating you do want to check with your homeowners’ association to make sure there are not any guidelines in place that you will need to follow before you start decorating.
Once you have checked out the bylaws and have the go-ahead, it is time to really add some sparkle to your home. The good news is you do not have to go overboard with a budget to decorate your home for the holidays. All you have to do is get crafty.
Here are some easy to follow holiday decorating tips to give your home that holly jolly feel without leaving you tapping into your overdraft at the bank:
- Take stuff from nature
- Pick a theme and stick with it for dramatic impact
- Shop for décor at your local dollar store
- Less can sometimes mean more
- Let the kids help create decorations
Nature is chockfull of free holiday decorations, as long as you are not taking stuff from your neighbors’ backyard you should be good. Pine cones can be transformed into centerpieces for the holiday table with a glue gun. Create a circle of pine cones by gluing one end to another pine cone and repeat until you have a ring. Place some candles in the middle and some greenery tucked in the pine cone circle and you have a great centerpiece.
Other things you can take from the outdoors to use indoors are pine tree greenery, thin branches, and other interesting finds. Create beautiful natural wreaths and displays. If you really want to jazz things up add a battery-operated short string of twinkle lights. Just be careful what you bring inside or you may end up calling a mice exterminator.
Choosing a Theme

Choosing a theme will help you have some guidance in which holiday décor is right for your home. Are you going for a winter wonderland look with whites and icy blues? Maybe you are looking for more home for the holidays’ rustic feel and like pulling things from nature for your décor, either way, setting your theme and picking some color schemes will make your home for the holidays decore come together perfectly.
When you pick a theme you also can narrow down your décor shopping options to a few statement pieces and build around them. You also will get a more professional polished look.
Don’t Skip Your Local Dollar Store

The dollar store can be a wealth of opportunity when it comes to holiday décor. There are so many tutorials online that can show you how to use items from the dollar store to create amazing holiday décor. The best part? It is so inexpensive that just about any budget can afford shopping for the home for the holidays décor.
The Temptation to Go Over Board

The holidays can be a very tempting time to go overboard with everything from eating to overload on décor. Sometimes less can be more especially when it comes to holiday decorations. The last thing you want to do is to burn yourself out on the holidays before they even begin.
Home for the holidays should be complemented by the décor and the merrymaking, but not to the point where you just want them to be over. Do what your budget allows. Do what you have the time to do. A simple wreath hung on the front door, a nicely decorated Christmas tree and some stockings hung by the fireplace can be the ideal decorations for you and your family.
Home for the holidays is not about competing with everyone else until you have reached your spending limit and a whole new level of exhaustion. It is about enjoying friends and family, and the joy of the season.
Keeping it Simple

Before we supersized everything in life, home for the holidays meant gathering together and creating homemade decorations, baking treats, and just enjoying the moment. You can turn back the clock and create decorations from everyday items using free labor (your kids and their friends).
How about edible decorations like popcorn strung around the tree or ornaments made from candy. With some ingenuity, a glue gun and children that are eager to participate there is a wide range of decorations that are fun to make, cheap, and look great.
Cookies can be used as décor by stringing them together. Salt and flour ornaments are easy to make using cookie cutters and some paint. You do not have to look too hard to find a range of Christmas crafts that you can make with the kids right at the kitchen table.
A do it yourself approach is not only a less expensive way to decorate for the holidays but it is also a great way to make memories and start traditions. Having a wonderfully decorated home does not mean you have to buy everything you use. It means you just need to love what you are decorating with.
Meal Planning

One of the best parts about home for the holidays is the food. What if you are not big on cooking? It is okay, you do not have to be a great cook to produce delicious meals for the holidays. It is okay to buy pre-cooked food that adds a little dazzle to make it your own.
Everything from main meal items to delectable desserts can be ordered pre-cooked. Do keep in mind that you will pay a premium this time of year for pre-cooked holiday food, so you may want to consider honing your culinary skills just enough to handle at least parts of the meal to save some cash.
What should the perfect holiday meal consist of? For every family, the perfect holiday meal can be just a bit different. If your family has yet to develop any traditions for your holiday meals, this year can be the perfect time to start.
You do not have to make any permanent choices, your family tradition can be to add a new dish from around the globe each year, or a twist on Aunt Betty’s perfect apple pie, but traditions are a great way to bond the family together. Think of one that suits your family.
One family reports that their holiday meal tradition is that each child gets to choose their favorite food to add to the holiday dinner table. Keep in mind that picture-perfect does not mean what you see online or in a picture, it is what your family pictures as perfect.
For some families turkey and all the traditional foods like mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and other foods is the ideal meal, for others, it is pizza or a vegan menu. In other words, creating the perfect holiday menu starts with what your family prefers.
Avoiding the Home for the Holidays Stress

For many people the holidays are a stress fest. They stress so much that they never get to enjoy the moments since they’re so focused on repairs like replacing your water heater or making a perfect scene for their guests. Avoiding some of the stress starts with knowing when you have had enough and need a bit of a break. There is nothing wrong with unplugging for a day and just taking care of yourself. A visit to a day spa or just spending time doing what you love to do is okay. Rejuvenate then get back to the business of holiday fun.
Avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to your diet. A lot of people really go off the nutrition wagon, then really regret it. A couple of slip-ups can be expected but get right back on the horse so you do not have to live with the guilt.
You can add some healthy options to your home for the holidays treat list. Keep lots of fruit on hand and look for other healthy food alternatives. Trade-off the rich desserts and other high-calorie foods for healthy options at least part of the time.
Ask for Help

You may be dedicated to being the hostess with the mostest but you should ask for help when you need it. Looking for professional plumbing services instead of doing it yourself is the least you can do. Taking care of a house full of guests can be literally exhausting. It is fine to reach out to your guests for a little support. After all, it is the holiday season for you too, and most family and friends want to help you with having the perfect home for the holiday experience.
Happy holidays, enjoy every minute with your loved ones and cherish the experience.