It is teacher appreciation week in many parts of the country and there are many people who want to take the time to thank those who have meant the most to them. Perhaps, for example, you want to make sure your former teachers know that in the past they have made a difference for you. This might be the time to reach out to those who not only taught you, but who also encouraged you to learn. Teachers who show students that learning is more than knowing facts, who model that learning is about being hungry for the truth and other opinions. The best teachers allow their students to think outside the box, but discover ways to deliver those ideas in ways that would be received. The top educators always see a student as a person first, a creative soul next, and finally as a student. Those are the people you want to thank for always encouraging you!
From the first day at kindergarten to the time spent at summer camps for kids, there are many times when it is important to realize that who is in the classroom with your child is nearly as important as the curriculum that you are seeking. Finding an educational leader who models perseverance, kindness, and respect is a goal that everyone shoots for. Whether it is a camp counselor or a classroom teacher, there are many times when young children and even teenagers spend more time with their teachers than their parents.
Public and Private Schools Offer a Number of Summer Activities for Families
As more and more couples work outside of the home it is not unusual for families to be looking for different kinds of child care options during the summer. Even parents of teenagers are often in search of classes and workshops during the summer to make sure that their children do not have too much idle time. From hiking and swimming at summer camp for kids to coding and STEM opportunities for students of all ages, there are many times when parents want to find a way to make sure that their children are still engaged during the months of June, July, and August.
Summer camp for kids provide the perfect setting for a mixture of outside activities and classroom learning. A morning of coding in an indoor computer lab can be followed by an afternoon out on a ropes and agility course. And while not all students have such a wide range of skills that they can master, summer camps for kids and teens can provide the perfect setting for many. Led by skilled and caring leaders, these options provide another way for adults to model the best leadership skills.
Although the majority of families in the U.S. send their children to public schools, private schools account for 24% of the nation’s schools and enroll 10% of all pre kindergarten through 12th grade students. Understanding the options that are available to you can help you find the perfect setting for your child, no matter what age their are. When you realize that most private school students, in fact 80%, attend religiously-affiliated schools, you begin to understand that many parents are looking for something very specific when they select a school for their family.
No matter where you send your children to school or your which kinds of summer camp for kids you select, it is important to realize that the success of any of these environments will be determined by the leaders in those spaces. From administrators to classroom teachers to camp counselors, it is important to have role models who will teach students of all ages the most important life skiils: determination and grit. Determination can certainly be a part of summer camp for kids, but it is also important to realize that grit can also be modeled in a traditional classroom setting as well. When adults positively model how they deal with a challenging situation students learn a lot. Struggle is part of life and this week may be the time when you should take the time to thank a teacher or summer camp counselor who has modeled the best attributes for your child or any age.