Your husband jokes that you live to remodel and renovate. From the very first house that you lived in to your current home, your husband has gotten used to the process. You tell him your latest ideas, he argues at first, and then you convince him to follow your ideas. Finding the right contractor has always been the biggest challenge, but once you finalized those plans the remodeling starts. Fortunately, you have always been willing to do much of he work yourself, so you have hired the contractors for the difficult tasks that you cannot do yourself, but the rest of the work you tackle little by little on the weekends and the few times that you find yourself home alone during the week.
Whether you are getting ready to remodel a current home or you are looking at finding houses for sale in a city where you are starting a new job, working with professionals can help you get the results that you want. If, for instance, you are getting ready to look for houses for sale in an unfamiliar neighborhood, it is important to make sure that you rely on the resources that are available to you. Whether you are looking for condos for sale or homes for sale, working with a professional realtor is often in your best interest.
Consider some of these these facts and figures about the real estate industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- 78% of recent buyers indicate that they found their real estate agent to be a very useful source of information.
- 32% of people looking to buy new homes indicate that they are first time home buyers.
- 83% of buyers are looking to purchase a single-family home, according to Zillow.
- 44% of home buyers indicate that they look online for properties in addition to visiting homes in person.
- 20% of buyers seek to purchase a townhouse, according to Zillow.
- 34% of recent buyers who purchased new homes indicate that they were looking to avoid problems with plumbing or electricity and renovations.
Whether you are looking for a new home or a house that will require some redecorating or renovating, the best place to start your search is often with a professional real estate agent.
Find out more here.