In the United States, there is no shortage of charity organizations and individuals who need assistance. In fact, there are entire organizations dedicated to helping families in need. However, many people, when they hear about volunteer or charitable donation opportunities are unsure how to proceed. The good news is that getting involved in your community is easy, and there are several different ways you can begin helping families in need and other groups in your area.
But just what can you do to get started? Here are a few ideas for taking action to improve your community:
Donate to Charity
Many people have something around the house that they can stand to get rid of. Items such as clothing, small appliances, furniture, and electronics are especially popular items to donate because they can be reused easily. Items that are not given directly to people in need are often either sold in secondhand shops to benefit charity, or they are turned over to recycling companies to help reduce waste in our landfills. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Organize Charitable Giving
Sometimes the opportunity to donate isn’t available. For this reason, some community members will organize things like clothing drives or donations pickups in their town or city by gathering used clothing donations or other household goods. Whether you partner with a church, school, or non-profit or you organize it yourself, there is one thing for certain: the more people who help, the greater chance you have to make a big impact on the lives of others.
Volunteer Locally
Don’t have any spare items lying around? That’s okay — you (yes, you) can still help! Volunteering is a great way to connect with others in your town or city, and it gives you a valuable experience for life. You also get the chance to see the direct impact that your actions have on others.
Each year, approximately 70% of Americans participate in some form of charitable giving, with monetary donations totaling approximately $316 billion in 2012 alone. But just imagine how much we could all do if we all did our part.
How have you gone about helping families in need in your community? Give your suggestions for getting involved in the comments sections.