According to recent figures, approximately one million United States Armed Forces veterans were injured in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars alone, and that figure doesn’t include American vets from other wars and military campaigns. As a result of these injuries, in addition to the toll they have taken on military families, there are several charities for wounded soldiers that aid our nation’s veterans.
Many charities for wounded soldiers and their families are always looking for basic necessities. In addition to those struggling to make ends meet, there are also many homeless veterans, as well, who need food, clothing, and shelter. If you are looking for ways to help those who served our country, here are some suggestions for what you can donate.
1. Clothing: Research has shown that over 90% of clothing and textiles thrown away in the United States could be recycled or reused. Although many Americans donate old clothing to charity, there are still plenty of items that could be used by our wounded veterans.
2. Food: Everyone needs to eat, and veterans are no exception. If you are able to, donate canned goods or other items with long shelf lives, this can help veterans who seek food in food banks and other sources. Also, some shelters provide cooked meals for veterans and others in need, so ask if there are any fresh ingredients they require.
3. Household Items: In addition to food and clothing, many veterans have trouble providing basic necessities for themselves and their families. As many as 207,000 recent veterans were considered unemployed and unable to obtain work as of March 2013. In addition that, or as a result, approximately 27% of veterans in the U.S. have $10,000 or more in credit card debt. Helping veterans with the costs of living expenses, furniture, appliances, or non-perishable goods can make all the difference.
4. Money: If you don’t have extra items laying around at home, all charities for wounded soldiers will accept monetary charitable donations. Before you give, however, be sure to research an organization to ensure that your money will go to the cause. Find out what projects a charity has completed before giving to see how the money might be used.
5. Time: Finally, if you are able to, charities are always looking for volunteers. Whether it’s sorting through clothing donations or serving food to veterans around the holidays, there are plenty of tasks with which charitable organizations require assistance. Find out if there are any charities in your area that help wounded veterans, military families, and others, and see if they need volunteer workers.
Many people ask about the best charities to donate to, but there isn’t one clear answer. The important thing is to discover how veterans are being helped by a charity and try to choose one that does the most good. Have questions about how to donate your resources, money, or time to charity? Contact a non-profit in your area or leave a comment below.