The housing market is changing, with home ownership at its lowest in 50 years, the cost of homes rising, and half of all home buyers looking for houses that are brand new. It can seem like an odd time to sell your home, but it’s also one of the best. If you choose to sell your home with a quality real estate agent, they’ll market the property aggressively and make sure you get a good price. Many people also trust their real estate agents when they look for homes, so having an agent who can put in good word for your property is always worthwhile. As you prepare to sell your home, here are a few other ways to increase your property’s curb appeal.
Update your Landscaping
Your realtor may have recommended that you call a landscaping company before putting your home on the market, and there’s a reason for it. Homes that are well-landscaped can sell for over 12% more, and they usually yield a 100% return on investment by increasing the look and marketability of your home.
Are you Energy Efficient?
About half of all home buyers say that energy efficiency is one of their biggest considerations. This doesn’t mean that you need to go out and install new solar panels, though. Having double pane windows, getting foam spray insulation in your attic, using lighting fixtures with fluorescent bulbs, and painting or replacing your garage doors can increase the efficiency of your home and are fantastic to include in a listing.
Highlight Natural Features and Accessibility
As tempting as it may be to invest in new fixtures, doors, panels, and paint to make your home more marketable, about half of all home buyers say they’re looking for houses in walkable areas. If you’ve been living in your neighborhood for a while, you may not even pay attention to the benefits of your location. Talk to your real estate agent or read listings from other real estate companies in your area to get ideas. Are you close to a bustling downtown area? Are there nature walks and paths in the neighborhood. Can residents walk to the grocery store or local elementary school? Write those down.
Taking the time to talk to different real estate companies can help you find the right realtor. Selling your home can be a full-time commitment, so having a confidant, advisor, and friend to help you through the process will make it go that much more smoothly. Real estate companies are as different as neighborhoods, so be sure you build a rapport with one before you sell a house together.