When looking for a professional to help you take care of an ailing loved one, you ought to check with a skilled nursing facility. There, you can find skilled nurses who are competent enough to provide a level of care that will leave you gratified. You could also look for a convalescent care facility by searching online for “convalescent facility” or something similar.
To make sure that you’re looking for the right thing, you need to find out the difference between assisted living and skilled nursing. This information will come in handy from the moment you’re doing the search to when you find a facility and need to negotiate prices. Note that a step down rehab facility may be the right place to look if the person who requires care has any habits.
At such a center, you’ll find professionals who can help you improve the quality of life for the person under your care. They’ll give you peace of mind to ensure that you can keep up with your daily life activities because you’ll know that your loved one is in good hands. You won’t run the risk of suffering from burnout while trying to balance taking care of a loved one with a job, school, or other responsibilities that you have.
The last four months have been some of the most difficult of your life. From the first phone call that your father had been taken by ambulance to the hospital, to the trying ups and downs of optimism and fear during those evenings and days in the intensive care unit, to the afternoon your said said “no more” to breathing assistance, to the afternoon one week ago today when your two sisters and you said goodbye and watched your father slip away from this earth. You know you can be joyous that he is finally free from pain, but right now you are deeply sad, grieving, and feeling the loss of your North Star.’
Besides your faith, what has carried and lifted you is the love, support, and prayers of friends and family.
You have been overwhelmed with gratitude for the loving support you and your husband have received. You are thankful for every meal made for your family, for the visits and hugs accompanied by snacks at the hospital, for help with your son, to food brought to your gathered extended family the week leading up to and following the funeral, to all the love shown to you at the funeral service, and for every caring card, email, text or social media message. You know that you simply cannot thank my circle of support and love enough, but you know that one concrete think you can offer is a visit to the skilled nursing unit where your father spend some of his last days.
Skilled Nursing and Rehab Facilities Play Important Roles in the Lives of Many Families
Whether you are looking at long term care facilities for a spouse of you are considering he best way to get skilled nursing care in your home for a parent, it is important to know that there are now many available options. So many options, in fact, that it can be difficult to make a decision. With the assistance of a trusted guide, however, you can be more likely to get to the point where you understand the difference between skilled nursing care and the different kinds of services that a rehab facility can offer. in the case of many patients, the road to recover is rarely straight and many people find that they need to navigate through several levels of care as they deal with some of lives most difficult challenges.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the growing need for skilled care services and other health care options as the nation’s population continues to age:
- Research shows that 52% of people turning age 65 will need some type of long term care services in their lifetimes.
- With a number that is projected to increase to 14 million by 2050, 5.7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s today.
- Jumping from 12% to 22%, the world’s population of people aged 60 and over is expected to double between 2015 and 2050.
- As more and more people are able to live longer lives, it should come as no surprise that rehabilitation services constitute nearly 33% of all health care expenditures in the U.S.
- Currently, there are 15,655 skilled nursing care centers in American, according to data from the American Health Care.
- 70% of Americans turning 65 will need long term care at some point, and 64% of people 65 and older in nursing homes today have Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia
Many of life’s transitions can be challenging, but few are as difficult as dealing with the illness or a parent. Having to step in and make decisions about skilled nursing care and other choices is a stress that is especially difficult to handle if you have not had conversations ahead of time about what your parent’s wishes are. There are many options that are available today, but knowing what your parent is thinking ahead of time can help create the best options.
Individuals who are dealing with a long term illness or a end of life condition often find themselves in need of many kinds of services. It is important to find the best care facility or hospital that can fill these needs.