Every year, 70% of the American population donates to charitable organizations in some fashion. In addition to their time and expertise, people living within the United States also donate roughly three percent of their income. More than half of the Individuals within high-income brackets have stated that their primary motivation for making these donations is to give back to the community. The results of a recent survey indicated that this amounted to 63% of the individuals within this group.
The non-profit organizations that receive these donations also give back to their communities in a variety of ways. They provide valuable services and also contribute approximately $666.1 billion to the United States economy every year. One of these organizations is the American Red Cross, which was previously ranked as the 13th largest charity due to the private donations that it received. In 2014 alone, for example, they received $687 million from private donors.
Americans also donate household items and clothing to non-profit organizations. When considering the overall population, people in this country purchase almost 20 billion items of clothing and shoes every year. This amounts to 68 garments and seven pairs of shoes for every person. The Environmental Protection Agency reported that ten pounds of clothes are thrown away every year. While this is the average, it still represents a significant number of items that could be donated rather than thrown away. Fortunately, many Americans realize the importance of recycling rather than literally throwing clothes and other usable items away.
Many people living in the United States are familiar with the Red Cross, which provides relief to individuals, families, and communities. This organization is available to assist disaster victims and others in need every hour of the day and every day of the year. In addition to providing food, blankets, and shelter, the American Red Cross is known for collecting and providing life-saving blood.
If you have clothes, shoes, textiles, or other household items that you and your family no longer use, you can donate these to the American Red Cross. When you donate clothes to Red Cross, these items can either be conveniently picked up by GreenDrop or you can take them to a drop-off location. American Red Cross clothing donations assist this organization with helping others in need. When you donate clothes to Red Cross, you are also making a difference in the lives of these individuals, families, and communities.