The patriotic celebration and fireworks are amazing, but it is important to remember the men and women who have given their lives for our freedom and have made this country the great country that it has been and always will be. In a time when the both the media and the President seem to be distracting us from all that is good in this country, perhaps it is time to focus on what we can do as individuals to honor those people who have given so much to this country.
On a long four day weekend when many Americans have the chance to celebrate with family and friends, this might also be the time to remember those who have served across the world to protect our freedoms.
Red Cross donation centers provide much needed resources to men and women who are serving our country, as well as to those in America who are facing difficult times because of personal property damage caused by fire or natural disaster.
Red Cross Donation Centers Need Everyone’s Support
Fair distribution of resources is not always easy to achieve. Places like Red Cross Donation Centers, however, can help those Americans have much help those Americans who have little. Used clothing donations as well as monetary donations that are given to the Red Cross can help people across the country who find themselves in need. Bottled water, clean bedding, medical supplies, and clothing are all things that are distributed by Red Cross donation centers.
The latest statistics indicate that 70% of the people in the U.S. give to charity each year. In fact, an average of 3% of America’s income is donated. This contributes to an annual value of $666.1 billion which is contributed to the U.S. economy by non-profits. Are you doing your part? While it may be easy to think that someone else can carry your weight when it comes to helping others, the reality is that until everyone contributes to those less fortunate this nation will never reach its full potential.
Are you ready to step up?
- Deciding to make a monthly visit to a drop of spot clothing donation center can get your family in the habit of purposefully considering the items that clutter their closets and dresser drawers.
- One motivation for donating is knowing that you are giving back to your community. In fact, 63% of high net worth donors cite ?giving back to the community? as a chief motivation for their giving.
- You probably have many pairs of shoes and many pieces of clothing in your closet that you have not worn in years. Have you considered turing these items into a clothing donation center?
- One person’s donation can help the Red Cross in its round the clock mission. Did you know, for instance, that for 24 hours per day, 365 days a year, the American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of food, blankets, shelter, and blood?
- Until everyone who can contributes, organizations like the Red Cross will not be able to complete their mission of service to others.
- Recylcing clothing is a great alternative to throwing out items that can no longer be worn. These recycled textiles contribute to an entire industry that creates new products from items that otherwise would be in the landfill.
- Parents can teach their children the importance of giving to others in need by showing them the donation centers that help collect clothing and household items for others who are less fortunate.
- According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothes a person every single year. These are items that could be either donated or recycled.
- Red Cross donation centers help distribute items across the country and across the world. Have you made a contribution to this organization recently?
- TTax-deductible clothes donations and household items are sold by the charities to thrift stores such as 2nd Avenue and Village Thrift. These items collected by GreenDrop on behalf of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the National Federation of the Blind, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Philadelphia help fund these programs while at the same time providing an avenue for people to recycle their unused clothing.