Did you know that, according to a report from The Washington Post, 10,000 Americans retire each and every day? The Baby Boomer generation has finally reached the point where they can kick off their boots and relax. If you’re the son or daughter of a Baby Boomer, however, your parents’ retirement likely comes as both a blessing and a curse.
Generally speaking, our bodies start to slow down a lot faster following retirement. For parents, this means that they’ll increasingly need help around the home and, in the worst case scenario, regular medical assistance. If you can fill those needs, then more power to you, but what if you live on the other side of the country? What if you can’t take the time to be there at every moment for your mom or dad? In those situations, it’s best to find senior housing options that can help meet your parents’ needs when you’re not able to.
What Should You Consider When Looking at Senior Citizen Housing?
- Work with a Doctor to Find the Right Level of Care
- Look for Community Activities Your Loved Ones Will Enjoy
- Consider Entry Fees, Other Financial Hurdles
As the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services writes, the most important thing to consider when trying to choose assisted living homes is what kind of care your parents need. Some people simply need to be in a community where they can network with others of their age, while others require regular medical attention. To make sure your parents are being placed in the right senior citizen housing, you need to work with their doctor. Their doctor can fully assess what they need medically, helping you make the most educated decision possible.
Remember, wherever your parents end up living, it’s not just a place they’ll put down their heads at night. That’s why the non-profit senior living group HelpGuide.org places so much emphasis on looking for senior citizen housing with the right activities. Being able to enjoy their favorite hobbies and socialize with others will be essential to your parents’ health. If the housing option you’re considering doesn’t offer any activities they like, it will be in their best interest for you to look for another home.
For Huffington Post, one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to find a great home for their parents is failing to look at the financial details until they already have their heart set on a location. What you might not realize is that many senior citizen housing providers require large lump sums called entry fees up front, in addition to monthly rent and other costs. These fees can be as much as $500,000, depending on where you’re looking. From the rent to the entry fees to whether or not your parents’ insurance coverage will help with costs, make sussing out the financial details ahead of time one of your top priorities.
Do you run or work for a senior housing provider? What are some of the common mistakes people make when choosing senior citizen housing? Let us know in the comments below. For more, read this link.