Many people want to give something back to their communities but cannot afford to give money. Fortunately there are a lot of other ways we can help other people. One great way to help other people is to make charitable clothing donations. Americans gave approximately $5.8 billion in clothing donations for non profit organizations in 2007. These clothing donations are usually given to families in need or used for fundraising by the charity. Some charities sell the clothing that is donated. The average person buys about 10 pounds of used clothing every year.
Reasons for donating clothing to charity:
- Charitable clothing donations are tax deductible. You do not have to make a cash donation to take if off of your taxes. You do, however, need to get a receipt if your donation is worth more $250. That is what the Internal Revenue Service requires.
- This is a great way to clean out your closet. Tim Gunn has recommended getting rid of anything that you have not worn for two seasons or more. You will free up space in your closet and help someone else at the same time. Make a point to clean and sort your clothes donations so that it is easier for the staff at the non-profit to go through.
- You will be reducing your carbon footprint. By making charitable clothing donations you are ensuring the garments you no longer use go to people who can use them and not into a landfill. American throw away about 12 million tons of clothing and textiles each and every year. Nearly 90% of clothing that ends up in a landfill could be used by someone. By donating clothes to charity, you are helping deal with two serious problems.
- Just because you cannot use an item does not mean no one can. Clothing that you either no longer like, or if it was a gift from someone, maybe you never liked it, can be useful for someone else. They may really like that sweater your Aunt Edna gave you for your birthday.
- It is super easy to make charitable clothing donations. You can take the clothes to a charity, drop them in a box set up for clothing donations or you can contact one of the many organizations that pick up donations. One great thing to do around the holidays is hold a donation drive at your work. Ask people to bring their donations to the office and have a arrange a clothing donations pick up with a local charity. They will also do this from people?s homes but there are few better ways to get into the holiday spirit, for example than giving back to the community.
- It will make you feel good. Giving back to your community is a great way to improve your mood and sense of well being. Donating time, money or items is a way we strengthen the bonds within a community. When you donate clothing, you are giving people something you know they need and it will make you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself.