Seasonal garden flags are something you see quite a bit in front of people’s homes. You will see them during Christmas, Halloween, the 4th of July and even for Thanksgiving. You can find a flag shop, flag store or just shop online flag stores. The Romans were the first ones to use a cloth flag as a form of communication. The word flag was originally developed from the Saxon word “fflaken” which meant to float in the air.
Studying flags is called “Vexillology.” A flag’s hoist is the part of the flag that is closest to the flag pole. It is used for connecting the flag and the pole together and lifting it into the air. Season garden flags are not quite the same as these flags since they are found usually on a smaller hoist or pole that holds them up.
Many gardeners own and display seasonal garden flags. About 72% of United States households participate in outdoor gardening activities. Within the past 12 months almost 50% of U.S. households have gardened. Out of all the gardeners in the United States, about 54% are female. Most of these gardeners display seasonal garden flags.